Das Leben ist komplex …

Cube22-DLIKDH-CoverOur third album “Das Leben is komplex und Entropie real” has been released by our netlabel derkleinegruenewuerfel.de and is licensed under Creative Commons By-Sa 4.0 License.

If you like, you can download it here for free and distribute it as you like.

But if you want, you can also download it from Bandcamp and “pay what you want”.

Frustration, aggression, depression, resignation. In that order. But what comes next? Cynicism, nihilism, radicalism? Or the realization that sometimes life just sucks and that’s part of it? And then what?

Keep going, keep going. And hope that it means something. The cultivation of a cheerful, optimistic nihilism. When nothing means anything, everything can be overloaded with meaning at will. That’s what we have to work on.

We take back the sovereignty of interpretation and we don’t leave it without a fight to all those idiots out there. Misanthropy is the new engine. Deal with it, you medio-creep worms. Self-assertion instead of therapy!

Some reactions
The StadtRevue made us album of the month in the 02/18 issue. Felix Klopothek writes: “The driest and most unadorned and thus also most brute form of their, in the best sense of the word, desolate diagnosis of time. […] Superstraight clocked metal, completely without any ornament. […] You might not call it minimalistic, but the music is too massive and of cutting forcefulness. Hope is overrated, what lasts is the steely guitar riff.”