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Es ist schwer ein Gott zu sein
by Die Leere im Kern deiner Hoffnung



Es ist schwer ein Gott zu sein

Our fourth album “Es ist schwer ein Gott zu sein” has been released by our netlabel and is licensed under a Creative Commons By-Sa 4.0 License.

If you like, you can download it for free and copy, distribute, or whatever you wish to do with it.

But if you want you can download it from Bandcamp and “pay what you want”.

The title of the album refers of course to the novel “Hard to be a God” by the Strugatzki brothers. But it is also the expression of the desperate realisation that the world is probably unsavable. The problems are obvious, everybody knows everything, but nobody is willing to do anything.

We oscillate faster and faster between hysteria and agony, blind actionism and panic. And again and again we get fast and easy answers to complex questions with the certainty of a placebo.

Clicktivism as a digital balm for the poor afflicted souls. The mistaken belief that you can save the world through your consumerism.

We dream of electric sheep.
Technomagic thinking.
The illusion of freedom.
Welcome to the age of transfiguration.

We rather bear those ills we have than fight them.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims.


Das Leben ist komplex …

Cube22-DLIKDH-CoverOur third album “Das Leben is komplex und Entropie real” has been released by our netlabel and is licensed under Creative Commons By-Sa 4.0 License.

If you like, you can download it here for free and distribute it as you like.

But if you want, you can also download it from Bandcamp and “pay what you want”.

Frustration, aggression, depression, resignation. In that order. But what comes next? Cynicism, nihilism, radicalism? Or the realization that sometimes life just sucks and that’s part of it? And then what?

Keep going, keep going. And hope that it means something. The cultivation of a cheerful, optimistic nihilism. When nothing means anything, everything can be overloaded with meaning at will. That’s what we have to work on.

We take back the sovereignty of interpretation and we don’t leave it without a fight to all those idiots out there. Misanthropy is the new engine. Deal with it, you medio-creep worms. Self-assertion instead of therapy!

Some reactions
The StadtRevue made us album of the month in the 02/18 issue. Felix Klopothek writes: “The driest and most unadorned and thus also most brute form of their, in the best sense of the word, desolate diagnosis of time. […] Superstraight clocked metal, completely without any ornament. […] You might not call it minimalistic, but the music is too massive and of cutting forcefulness. Hope is overrated, what lasts is the steely guitar riff.”


Freiheit Aushalten

Our second album Freiheit Aushalten has been released by our netlabel derkleinegruenewü and is licensed under Creative Commons By-Sa 4.0 license.

If you like, you can download it here for free and distribute it as you like.

But if you want, you can also download it via Bandcamp, and “pay what you want”.

Freedom does not only want to be fought for and defended these days. Freedom must also be endured when things get dicey. Just as it becomes exciting with tolerance when it challenges you and inevitably leads to acceptance and not ignorance, it becomes interesting with freedom when it demands its price and offers itself as it were on the altar of the diffuse desire for more perceived security.

Let us not delude ourselves: Sacrificing freedom for greater perceived security is a stupid idea. All the more stupid if in the end there is not even any real security left.

What needs to be done should be clear to everyone. But we remain in agony, cultivate our phlegm and seriously consider whether resignation is not an option after all. The old hope of revolution? Bitch, please. The world is coming to an easy end. Enjoy it.


Zeit ist eine Illusion

Our Album “Zeit ist eine Illusion” has been released by our netlabel and is licensed under a Creative Commons By-Sa Germany 3.0 License.

If you like, you can download it here and distribute it.

Or if you like, you can donwload via Bandcamp and “pay what you want”.